clarinetes madera santa arabesque sold
44" x 30 " 44" x 44 " 49" x 49 "
cañas lengua de dragón flor de plantano sold
49" x 65" 49" x 49" 29" x 29"
trompetas rojas nasturcias paraiso I sold
34" x 21" 47" x 22" 18" x 18"
paraiso II sold paraiso III paraiso IV sold
18" x 18" 18" x 18" 18" x 18"
platanillo enredadera isabel sold water lily sold
48" x 33" 11" x 14" 11" x 14"
bamboo I bamboo II
72" x 29 5/8" 72" x 29 5/8"

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